Embedding Sustainability
Sustainability is embedded firmly in our strategy through the regular review of all issues that are material to the business and our stakeholders, the definition of appropriate actions and targets and the adherence to environmental, social and governance policies.
Our two governance bodies, the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Committee, oversee the implementation of our strategy and sustainability imperatives and reflect the culture of good governance, transparency and business ethics that is prevalent across the Group.
Chair: Chairman of the Group Executive Committee
Convener: Chief Sustainability Officer
The Group Executive Committee, acknowledging sustainability as a top priority of the Company, has set up an ExCo Sustainability Committee comprised of Executive Directors of the Company, the Group ESG Performance Director and other senior managers of the Group depending on the agenda.
TITAN’s Executive Sustainability Committee is convened by the Chief Sustainability Officer to monitor performance and implementation of the sustainability strategy set by the Board.
In particular, its role is to:
- oversee and monitor the implementation of the Company’s sustainability strategy,
- monitor performance vs. ESG targets and
- decide on corrective actions, review and revise the areas of focus, set appropriate targets dynamically reviewing the corporate materiality assessment
Chair: Chief Sustainability Officer
Convener: Group ESG Performance Director
The Sustainability Working Group SWG is responsible for supporting the coordination of the Group sustainability agenda and the relevant decision-making at both Group and regional level.
The main responsibilities of the SWG are to:
- develop and present specific proposals related to the Group Sustainability Agenda,
- cascade targets internally through different functions and business units
- coordinate TITAN’s partnerships with international organizations, networks and initiatives
The role of the Group ESG Performance department is to consolidate, coordinate, and monitor the sustainability actions undertaken across the Group, ensuring that we collectively deliver the best possible results against well-defined ESG criteria. It does so through a network, which consists of ESG liaison delegates from every business unit and coordinates the implementation of sustainability commitments at regional level.
Risk identification and assessment are an integral part of our management processes, helping to safeguard the long-term sustainability of our business.
TITAN is active in a diverse geographical, business, and operational landscape. This results in a multitude of potential risk exposures, including strategic, financial, sustainability (ESG) and operational risks. Risks are categorized using established risk taxonomies relevant to the Group’s business and are assessed in terms of probability, impact, and preparedness, in line with industry best practices.