We will transform our business, focusing on resilience, innovation and on building solutions to serve our customers more efficiently as we move towards a carbon-neutral, digital world
- we will have our CO2 reduction targets1 validated by the SBTi
- we will reduce Scope 1 (gross), 2 and 3 (gross) GHG emissions covering produced and purchased cement and clinker, by 25.1% per ton of cementitious product sold by 2030, from a 2020 base year. Within that target, we commit to reduce:
- Scope 1 GHG emissions (gross) by 22.8% per ton of cementitious product from a 2020 base year (-35% vs. 1990 level)
- Scope 2 GHG emissions by 58.1% per ton of cementitious product from a 2020 base year
- we will reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from the use of sold fossil fuels by 42% from a 2021 base year
- we commit to drive down the CO2 footprint of our operations and products aspiring to deliver society with carbon-neutral concrete by 2050
- we will increase our annual investment in Research & Innovation to €20m
- Future ready business model in a carbon neutral world
- Innovation with emphasis on digitalization and de-carbonization
1 In 2022, we have raised our climate ambition even further, updating our 2030 CO2 reduction targets, in line with the 1.5oC scenario
2 Scope 1: direct CO2 emissions; Scope 2: indirect CO2 emissions from electricity; Scope 3: indirect CO2 emissions of the supply chain
We will cultivate an inclusive culture with equal opportunities for all our people to grow professionally within a safe and healthy work environment
- we strive for zero fatalities and for an employee LTIFR performance which consistently places us among the three best in our peer group1
- we will implement initiatives addressing the physical, mental, social and financial dimensions of wellbeing for our employees, in all countries
- we commit that 1/3 of our BoD members will be women
- we will promote equal opportunities and inclusion and will grow by 20% the participation of women in senior roles, talent pools and new hires
- we will offer upskilling and reskilling opportunities to 100% of our employees, especially in areas vital for sustainable growth, such as health and safety, digitalization, and decarbonization
- Safe and healthy working environment
- Diverse and inclusive workplace
- Continuous development of our people
1 Peer group definition: Cemex, LafargeHolcim, Argos, HeidelbergCement, CRH, Cementir, Vicat, Buzzi
We will enable our business operations and our people worldwide to contribute to the prosperity of our local communities with respect to their social and environmental concerns
- we will sustain and further improve our strong performance in cement production-related specific dust, NOx and SOx emissions
- we will have quarry rehabilitation plans at 100% of our sites1 and will rehabilitate 25% of the affected areas
- we will have quarry biodiversity management plans at 100% of our sites1 in high biodiversity value areas
- we will have community engagement plans that are aligned with material issues for stakeholders and UN SDGs 2030 at 100% of our key operations
- we will ensure that 2/3 of our total spend are directed to local suppliers and communities
- Environmental positive impact
- Social positive impact
- Economic positive impact
1 Active wholly-owned sites
We will empower our business ecosystems to incorporate sustainability considerations in their business decisions and daily behaviors, while using natural resources responsibly
- we commit to a water consumption of 280 lt/t Cementitious Products and to covering 70% of our water demand with recycled water
- we will have 85% of our production1 covered by ISO 50001 or energy audits
- we will have 50% of our production1 covered by “Zero Waste to Landfill” certification
- we will ensure that 70% of our key suppliers2 meet TITAN ESG supplier standards
- Resource efficiency, recycling and recovery, contributing to circular economy
- Reliable and sustainable supply chain
1 Production from our integrated clinker-cement plants
2 Key suppliers: critical suppliers according to GCCA Guidance for Sustainable Supply Chain management with a meaningful level of spend for TITAN