In February 2024, and for a second consecutive year, Titan Cement International S.A., received a top “A” score on climate action by the carbon disclosure non-profit organization CDP, in recognition of its leadership in corporate transparency and performance on climate change. TITAN is one of the 346 companies across all sectors that achieved this level in 2023, out of nearly 21,000 companies scored. Furthermore, TITAN Group achieved an “A-” score for water security and it is one of only three companies in its sector to attain top scores in both categories.

CDP is a global non-profit that runs the world’s environmental disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions. Fully TCFD aligned, CDP holds the largest environmental database in the world, and CDP scores are widely used to drive investment and procurement decisions towards a zero carbon, sustainable and resilient economy.


In August 2024, and for a fourth consecutive year, Titan Cement International assessed with “AA” by the MSCI ESG Rating, recognized as a leader, with one of the top scores in our peers’ group. MSCI ESG Research provides ESG Ratings on global public and a few private companies on a scale of “AAA” (leader) to “CCC” (laggard), according to exposure to industry-specific ESG risks and the ability to manage those risks relative to peers. Learn more about MSCI ESG ratings here.

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In September 2024, Titan Cement International S.A. received, for the second consecutive year, “Prime” status in ISS ESG Corporate Rating, positioned at the top 5% of the construction materials sector with a B- score.

Fulfilling ISS ESG’s demanding requirements regarding sustainability, TITAN is assessed as a company with strong performance in managing ESG risks and opportunities and a very high transparency level.

ISS ESG is a data-driven scoring and screening solution designed to measure and identify areas of environmental and social risk through company disclosure. Scores provide an indication of relative quality compared to industry peers and are supported by factor-level data that is critical to the research process.

In September 2024, Titan Cement International S.A. was assessed on the ISS QualityScore, receiving the following scores : G:5, Ε:1, S:2.


In March 2024 TITAN Cement International S.A. received an ESG Risk Rating of 24.4 and was assessed by Morningstar Sustainalytics to be at medium risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors. In no event the ESG Risk Rating Overall Score shall be construed as investment advice or expert opinion as defined by the applicable legislation. The information contained or reflected herein is not directed to or intended for use or distribution to India-based clients or users and its distribution to Indian resident individuals or entities is not permitted, and Morningstar/Sustainalytics accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties in this respect. 

Morningstar Sustainalytics, is a leading ESG research, ratings and data firm that supports investors around the world with the development and implementation of responsible investment strategies. Sustainalytics works with hundreds of the world’s leading asset managers and pension funds who incorporate ESG and corporate governance information and assessments into their investment processes. The firm also works with hundreds of companies and their financial intermediaries to help them consider sustainability in policies, practices and capital projects. For more information, visit

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In December 2023, Titan Cement International S.A. scored 63/100 in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, a 4-point improvement from 2022, ranking in the top 10% of the construction materials industry. Notable sub-scores include 91 in climate strategy and 80 in sustainable construction.

Τhe S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) provides detailed ESG benchmarking insights to better integrate sustainability and business strategy. S&P Global CSA Scores capture the nuances and differences of policies and programs and in-depth ESG information.


In December 2023, Titan Cement International S.A. earned the Silver Badge from EcoVadis, which places TITAN in the top 12% of companies rated in the Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster industry.

The EcoVadis assessment evaluates 21 sustainability criteria across four core themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. More than 85,000 companies globally have been rated by EcoVadis.




In December 2023, Titan Cement International S.A. received an increased overall ESG score of 64/100 by Moody’s Analytics (56/100 in 2021), 18 points higher than the European Building Materials sector average. Also, Moody’s Analytics evaluated the Group’s strategy to manage risks and opportunities related to the transition to a low carbon economy, with an “advanced” energy transition score (68/100).

Moody’s Analytics provides trusted and transparent data and perspectives across multiple areas of risks-credit, climate, environmental, social and governance (ESG)-to help market participants identify opportunities and manage continuously evolving risks of doing business.


In March 2024, Titan Cement International S.A. received a 71/100 ESG score by LSEG data & analytics, ranked 17th out of 120 construction materials companies.

LSEG ESG Scores are designed to transparently and objectively measure a company’s relative ESG performance, commitment and effectiveness across 10 main themes, based on publicly available and auditable data.


In November 2024, TITAN Cement International S.A. has achieved a remarkable 98% ESG Transparency Score, as accessed by ATHEX ESG, showcasing our position as a leading force among top ESG performers.

Listed companies on the Athens Stock Exchange are evaluated based on the level of transparency they exhibit according to the “ESG Transparency Methodology” and their ESG Transparency Score is considered as a criterion for inclusion in the composition of the ATHEX ESG index.


In April 2023, TITAN achieved platinum-level recognition for its exemplary transparency regarding ESG issues in the Forbes Transparency Index. This distinction was based on a survey conducted among the top 100 companies in Greece.

Europe’s Climate Leaders 2024

TITAN Group is recognized as one of Europe’s Climate Leaders in the fourth edition of the prestigious list published by the Financial Times. TITAN’s inclusion on the list underscores its enduring commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable business practices. Furthermore, it highlights the company’s accelerated progress towards achieving net zero, in alignment with its Green Growth Strategy 2026.

The criteria for selection emphasize companies that have achieved the greatest reductions in their Scope 1 and 2* GHG emissions intensity over a five-year period (2017-2022). TITAN’s efforts in mitigating climate change were instrumental in securing its position among Europe’s Climate Leaders as it has achieved an 18.1% total CO2 reduction over this period. Furthermore, TITAN’s transparency on Scope 3* emissions and its collaboration with sustainability assessors such as CDP and the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) were also considered in this recognition.

The fourth edition of Europe’s Climate Leaders is compiled by the Financial Times in partnership with data provider Statista. The full interactive listing of Europe’s Climate Leaders 2024 can be explored on the Financial Times Europe’s Climate Leaders 2024: interactive listing (

*Scope 1: direct CO2 emissions (gross); Scope 2: indirect CO2 emissions from electricity; Scope 3: indirect CO2 emissions (gross) of the supply chain, covering produced and purchased cement and clinker.

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