Respect and preservation of biodiversity is vital to TITAN and we work in partnerships with local stakeholders to achieve a net positive impact of our operations where possible, through advanced scientific methods.

The following are examples of how we engage with communities to protect biodiversity and preserve local flora and fauna:

  • In Albania, a vineyard was developed in 2014, in the TITAN Antea cement plant, as part of an effort to cultivate food crops. In 2017, the vineyard was able to contribute 1,500kg of grapes to local red wine producers.
  • In Virginia, USA, more than 600 school children have participated in TITAN’s outdoor classroom where students learn to assess the health of local waterways that feed into the James River and Chesapeake Bay.
  • In Zlatna Panega, Bulgaria, TITAN joined forces with academics to relocate and monitor protected species of flowers and plants and establish a tree nursery.
  • The plan was identified as best practice by the CSI and featured in the Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) Guidance of the WBCSD/CSI edition 2014. The above document of the CSI was superseded in 2020 by the GCCA Sustainability Guidelines for quarry rehabilitation and biodiversity management.
  • Adocim in Turkey relocated 1,300 pine trees from Keslikkaya quarry and replanted them in Tokat plant premises, in order to preserve them. Another 350 cherry trees were planted in the plant and surrounding area.
Promoting and protecting biodiversity at TITAN: photograph of a pink flamingo in a lake landscape