
2014 Integrated Annual Report

TITAN Group has published its 2014 Integrated Annual Report at http://integratedreport2014.titan.gr, which contains information about financial results, as well as about social and environmental performance, reflecting the fact that sustainability forms an integral part of TITAN’s approach to business.

The Report is independently verified for GRI G4 core level, WBCSD/CSI guidelines and UNGC COP for Advanced Level. It is TITAN’s 3rd Integrated Annual Report, 12th Annual Report in accordance to GRI and the 8th one that is independently verified for meeting international and industry standards.

The report’s theme “Positioned for sustainable growth” highlights the Group’s commitment to enhancing sustainable growth increasing the capabilities and resources needed for future success. Following several years of global economic uncertainty and social unrest in many countries, 2014 was another challenging year. Despite this, our strategy and enduring commitment to our values and principles have resulted in a stronger business with a clear strategic plan for the coming years.

We invite you to explore, how we create value for all enhancing sustainable growth in 2014 in the Full, or the Summary Report, in PDF format, which are available online at http://integratedreport2014.titan.gr

TITAN Group Integrated Report 2014 milestones and sustainability commitments

  • Return to profitability in 2014, after two loss – making years
  • Issuance of a €300 million five-year bond with an annual coupon of 4.25%
  • Dividend distribution of €0.15 per share, for the first time since 2011, and distribution of special reserves corresponding to an additional €0.15 per share
  • €80m investment in existing operations, considerably higher than in the previous few years
  • 29% reduction in lost time due to incidents (LTFR) for direct employees in 2014, compared to 2010
  • €2.2m donations made to community development projects, 31.3% increase vs. 2013
  • €30.1 m environmental expenditure
  • Co‑chairing of the CSI (Cement Sustainability Initiative) special Task Forces for Biodiversity and Sustainable Supply Chain, and participation in the UN Global Compact Campaign against corruption.
  • Quarry Rehabilitation Plans (QRPs) are in place at 80% of the Group’s quarry sites

In 2015, we will launch our Sustainability Roadmap for 2020 based on strategic stakeholder feedback, further integrating sustainability across the business and positioning TITAN for further growth.