Turning aspiration into action, we are working hand in hand with the global community to help limit global warming to 1.5°C and deliver net zero concrete by 2050, as we are shaping a more sustainable, nature-positive future for all.


Find here the presentation “Our journey to carbon neutrality”

Our targets and road to net zero

Building on the progress we have made so far, we are playing our part in tackling climate change with science-based CO2 reduction targets and detailed plans across our regions.


We are exploring novel technologies that will help us decarbonize cement manufacturing and offer our customers sustainable products and solutions. Implementing novel approaches and breakthrough innovation across the built environment value chain is essential for the transition to a more sustainable, net zero world.

Carbon Capture

At TITAN we are committed to advancing carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies, forging a path toward a cleaner, greener, and more resilient future for the industry.

IFESTOS is a groundbreaking carbon capture project which represents TITAN Group’s pioneering stride toward zero-carbon cement production. IFESTOS not only seeks to propel our decarbonization journey but also plays a pivotal role in expediting the sector’s green transition, while substantially contributing to promoting carbon capture technology throughout the continent. The EU Commission has granted support to IFESTOS as part of the third call for large-scale projects under the EU Innovation Fund. The project involves the construction of a cutting-edge carbon capture facility which will capture approximately 1.9 million tons of CO2 per year, at our Kamari plant in Athens, Greece. The captured CO2 will be shipped to and sequestered in a permanent geological storage site in the Mediterranean. As a result, TITAN will produce about 3 million t/year of zero-carbon cement to serve the growing needs for green construction in the metropolitan area of Athens and beyond.

In parallel, our dedication to advancing carbon capture technologies is evident in our participation in collaborative European research projects like “HERCCULES.” With a five-year horizon, HERCCULES aims to demonstrate the viability of the CCUS value chain in Southern Europe, particularly in Italy and Greece. TITAN Group’s contribution involves deploying hybrid carbon-capture technologies, capturing up to 8 tonnes of CO2 per day from cement production, part of which transforms into sustainable, low-carbon construction materials. Our relentless pursuit of innovation is evident in successful pilot carbon capture demonstrations conducted at the Kamari plant, Athens, Greece, in collaboration with EU Horizon 2020 projects RECODE and CARMOF. Notably, our contribution to RECODE earned us recognition as a Key Innovator by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar in 2022.


We are closely following hydrogen use in cement clinker manufacturing, proceeding with industrial pilots in Greece and Bulgaria. Initial results showed that significant reductions in direct CO₂ emissions are possible with hydrogen, especially when produced through renewable means (“green hydrogen”).

Our H2CEM innovative project for the production and use of green hydrogen in cement production has been included in the second Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) “Hy2Use”.  H2CEM concerns the use of hydrogen as a climate-neutral fuel for cement production. With the goal to enhance the substitution of fossil fuels with green hydrogen and other sustainably sourced fuels, H2CEM includes the production of green hydrogen through electrolysis, powered by renewable energy sources, at TITAN cement plants in Greece (Kamari in Viotia, Drepano in Achaia and Efkarpia in Thessaloniki). Industrial deployment of green hydrogen in these plants will lead to reducing CO2 emissions by 160,000 tons per year (at least 8% per ton of product).


Our industry-first Artificial Intelligence-based Real-Time Optimizers solution (RTO) supports our journey to net zero, as it helps our cement plants reduce their energy consumption and lower their CO2 emissions, achieving overall improved environmental performance. RTO was launched in 2017 in Pennsuco cement plant, USA, and has been already rolled out across TITAN’s plants in the USA, Greece, Brazil, and Southeastern Europe. Thousands of sensors are integrated into equipment across each plant and record huge volumes of operational data that are transmitted, organized, studied, and utilized for the real-time optimization of production.

Transitioning to net zero requires collaboration and breakthrough technologies


We can only achieve our goals for our planet together. That’s why we pursue and promote global collaboration to help limit global warming and drive change.


We are committed to open and transparent communication of our environmental impacts and mitigation actions. For our transparency in our environmental disclosures and our impactful climate action, we are recognized by the CDP as a global climate leader.

We provide information about the progress of our net zero journey through:

CDP reporting (Carbon Disclosure Project)

TCFD disclosures (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)

Integrated Annual Report. See our Annual Reports here.

For our performance and the transparency in our disclosures, we are acknowledged by world-leading rating agencies. See our ESG ratings here.


Discover how our teams around the world work every day to turn our net zero commitment into
real action.