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The Audit and Risk Committee consists of three independent non-executive directors, one of whom having a vast experience in auditing and accounting, while the other two have a collective expertise regarding the activities of the Company.

The members of the Audit and Risk Committee are:

  • Kyriacos Riris  – Chair
  • Natalia Nicolaidis – Member
  • Dimitris Tsitsiragos – Member

The main role and responsibilities of the Audit and Risk Committee include:

  • Monitoring the financial reporting process
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control and risk management systems
  • Monitoring the internal audit and its effectiveness
  • Monitoring the statutory audit of the annual and consolidated financial statements, including any follow-up on any questions and recommendations made by the External Auditor
  • Reviewing and monitoring of the independence of the External Auditor, in particular regarding the provision of additional services to the Company.

The Nomination Committee consists of three directors with a majority of independent non-executive directors.

The members of the Nomination Committee are:

  • Lyn Grobler – Chair
  • William Antholis – Member
  • Alexandra Papalexopoulou – Member

The main task of the Nomination Committee is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors with regard to the appointment of directors, the Managing Director and other members of the management team.

The Remuneration Committee consists of four independent non-executive directors.

The members of the Remuneration Committee are:

  • Andreas Artemis – Chair
  • Harry David – Member
  • Paula Hadjisotiriou – Member

The main task of the Remuneration Committee is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors with regard to the Company’s remuneration policy and the remuneration of directors, members of the Company’s Management Committee and members of the Group Executive Committee, as well as on the arrangements concerning early termination.

The Strategy Committee consists of four executive or non-executive directors.

The members of the Strategy Committee are:

  • Alexandra Papalexopoulou – Chair
  • Leonidas Canellopoulos – Member
  • Marcel Cobuz – Member
  • Dimitris Tsitsiragos – Member

The main task of the Strategy Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in reviewing and monitoring the Group’s strategy agenda and growth plan. Strategy formulation remains in all instances with the Board of Directors.

The Management Committee is composed of the Managing Director, and other members appointed (and removed) by the Board of Directors.

The Management Committee consists of the following members:

Name Position
Michael Colakides
Grigoris Dikaios
Christos Panagopoulos
Managing Director & Group CFO
Regional Director Eastern Med

The Board has set up a Group Executive Committee for the purpose of facilitating the supervision of the Group operations, the cooperation and coordination between the Company’s subsidiaries and the monitoring of the Group management performance and ensuring the implementation of decisions and related accountability.

The Group Executive Committee is composed of certain executive directors of the Company, the heads of the main Group regions and other senior managers of the Group. Certain members of the Group Executive Committee are employees of the Company and others, including certain executive members of the Board, are employees of other Company’s subsidiaries.

The members of the Group Executive Committee are:

  • Marcel Constantin Cobuz, Chair of the Group Executive Committee
  • Alexandra Papalexopoulou, Chair of the Board Strategy Committee
  • Michael Colakides, Group CFO and Managing Director of TCI
  • Jean-Philippe Benard, Head of Supply Chain and Energy Development
  • Samir Cairae, Chief Technology Officer
  • Leonidas Canellopoulos, Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer
  • Alexandra Eleftheriou, Chief People Officer
  • Antonis Kyrkos, Chief Digital and Strategy Officer
  • Christos Panagopoulos, Regional Director Eastern Med
  • Yanni Paniaras, Group Executive Director Europe
  • Bill Zarkalis, Group Chief Operating Officer (Group COO) and Executive Director of TCI, CEO of Titan America and Chairman of STET