Further to our Announcement dated 13.07.2015, we hereby inform our Shareholders that henceforth from August 5, 2015, the payment of dividend for the 2014 financial year and the distribution of special reserves that have been decided by the General Assembly held on 19.06.2015 will be also made through the branch network of ALPHA BANK S.A., in accordance with the mandates of the Act of Legislative Content dated 18.07.2015 (Government Gazette of the Hellenic Republic, Issue A, No 84/18.7.2015), as applicable, in conjunction with any subsequent implementing decisions.
The aforesaid payments will be made to the Shareholders themselves, provided that they keep their shares with the “Hellenic Central Securities Depository S.A.” (ATHEXCSD), or have not authorized an Account Operator to receive dividend payments on their behalf, or have recalled any such authorisation. Shareholders must have with them their IDs and a printed copy of their particulars on the Dematerialized Securities System. These payments may also be received by duly authorized proxies of the Shareholders, provided that they present a written mandate and authorization granted by the beneficiary Shareholder with verified signature by a Citizens’ Service Centre (KEP) or a Police Station.
Please also note that:
A. The right to receive such payments have Shareholders who were registered on the electronic registry of the Dematerialized Securities System on Thursday, 25 June 2015.
B. The dividend distribution for the 2014 financial year amounts to €0.15 per share (ordinary or preference). This amount, proportionally increased by the dividend corresponding to the treasury stock held by the Company, becomes €0.15509 per share. From this amount the Company will withhold on behalf of the Shareholder a 10% tax and, therefore, Shareholders will receive a net amount of € 0.13958 per share.
C. The distribution of special reserves amounts to €0.15 per share (ordinary or preference). This amount will be proportionally increased by the amount corresponding to the treasury stock held by the Company and, therefore, Shareholders will receive a net amount of €0.15509 per share. The distribution of the aforesaid reserves is not subject to taxation.