
TITAN Group presents Summary Integrated Annual Report 2016 and dedicated microsite

“Building our Future together”

TITAN Group issued its fifth Summary Integrated Annual Report (IAR) 2016 and launched the respective microsite (http://integratedreport2016.titan.gr/). Both host a multitude of facts and data that demonstrate the progress made in fostering sustainable development and building a better future, together with our stakeholders.

The Summary Report presents a concise overview of TITAN’s 2016 financial and non-financial performance, on a Group level and across the four geographical regions it operates; illustrates, through case studies and good practices, how the Company creates value for and engages with stakeholders; and outlines its governance and board activities during the previous year.

Particular emphasis is placed on showcasing TITAN’s continued support for youth; in 2016, the Company enhanced existing and launched new educational and internship programs aligned with its commitment to the European Pact for Youth.

You can visit the microsite and read/download the Summary Report here.