

Titan Cement Company S.A. announces pursuant to article 278 of the Athens Exchange Regulation , that the 1st Repeat General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company that took place at the Grande Bretagne Hotel, Athens, on 4.6.2008 at 13.00 was attended by 218 shareholders, representing 47,010,105 common registered shares thus reaching a quorum of 61.08% of the paid-up share capital, which allowed the taking of decision on both items of the agenda Also present were 24 shareholders representing 4,163,018 non-voting preference shares.

Item 1: Amendment of Article 2 of the Articles of Association on Scope, harmonisation of the entire Articles of Association with the new provisions of Codifified Law 2190/20 after law 3604/2007, supplementation, abolition and renumbering of provisions and articles thereof and production of single consolidated text.

The General Meeting approved by 47.010.105 votes (100% majority of votes represented at the Meeting) the amendment of article 2 of the Company’s Articles of Association regarding the Company’s Scope, in order to also provide the processing and exploitation of quarry products ( industrial minerals, marble and aggregates), of fuels of all kinds including alternative fuels and of natural resources in general, the production and trade of all kinds of energy, the operation and exploitation of harbour facilities and commercial terminals, the exploitation of the Company’s know how and investing in general including the purchase of securities. The General Meeting also approved ( 100% majority ) the harmonisation of the Company’s Articles of Association with the the new provisions of Codified Law 2190/20 (following Law 3604/2007) through the addition , abolition and renumbering of its articles and provisions and drafting into a new single document.

Item 2 : Amendment of the stock option plans of years 2004 and 2007 currently in force

The General Meeting approved by 45.270.013 votes (96.30% majority of votes represented at the Meeting) the amendment of the stock option plans of years 2004 and 2007 currently in force, as follows: The price for exercising the options already granted pursuant to stock option plan of 2004 to be exercised within December 2008 will be equal to the Company share’s par value at the time of exercise and not two (2) Euro per share as provided before. The Board of Directors may grant options until October and not within the first quarter of each year as provided before by the stock option plan of 2007. The Board of Directors is authorized to adjust the number of and the price of exercise of options, in the event where the number of Company shares is changed ( f.i. due to offering free shares to all shareholders in the course of the above plans due to capitalization of reserves, decrease of the share’s par value etc), so that their value will be the same as it was before this change and to effect every necessary adjustment that it will deem to be required for their implementation and operation of the plans in force.